Reduce Your Food Waste &
Become Sustainable with AI


Save time and money by managing
your food waste with NKS

Our premier AI solution can help you run a more efficient kitchen by recapturing
the total value of your perishable food items and anticipating food waste while
cutting costs significantly.


About one-third of all food produced is wasted annually

A large amount of food is wasted simply because it is thrown away. Around 1.3 billion tons of food waste occupies almost 1.4 billion hectares of land and emits 8 to 10% of global greenhouse gas – every year.

Our cutting-edge technology can help you tackle avoidable food waste to cut costs and contribute towards conserving the planet.


A groundbreaking - yet simple solution

Enhanced Productivity

NKS is an all-in-one solution that provides analytics that accurately shows what is wasted when - helping you make better decisions to run your kitchen.

Improved Sustainability

NKS can assist you in achieving your sustainability objectives by minimizing food waste to benefit both, your enterprise and the planet.

Increased Profitability

With NKS, you can calculate the financial and environmental costs of the food discarded in your kitchen to eliminate avoidable food


Our advanced AI solution allows commercial kitchens to reduce waste, scale-up operations, and stay relevant in the dynamic hospitality industry.

On Installation

Our team will gladly provide you with support for the initial installation and configuration of the system, preparing you to gain a better understanding of your kitchen’s desired operations and customers’ demands. Your team would no longer have to rely on manual sampling or frustration – as our advanced AI algorithms will help you optimize returns and reduce waste.

In Operation

NKS becomes smarter as it trains in your kitchen and can surpass human accuracy once completely trained. As the wasted items are promptly entered into the system, you save staff time with our easy-to-use system, eliminate human mistakes to reach maximum efficiency, and forecast food waste analytics to drive working improvements.

In Operation

NKS becomes smarter as it trains in your kitchen and can surpass human accuracy once completely trained. As the wasted items are promptly entered into the system, you save staff time with our easy-to-use system, eliminate human mistakes to reach maximum efficiency, and forecast food waste analytics to drive working improvements.

Quantifiable Results

As soon as you begin using NKS, your visibility across all of your kitchens will improve with minimal effort and high accuracy. Our system will benefit your kitchen by predicting future food waste patterns and providing beneficial and actionable insights to help your team reduce waste, increase efficiency and cut costs significantly.



Explore NKS, your one-stop solution to eliminate avoidable food waste

Iterative Learning

The accuracy of the iterative learning process helps our AI models to recognize wasted food items on their own. With time, NKS gets smarter as it learns, and provides results faster.

Facial Recognition

Our solution recognizes food waste and the staff member tossing it which can help in standardizing protocols and training your staff to regulate and stop avoidable food waste.

Hands-free Control

The inbuilt AI-based Speech Recognition System allows kitchen staff to save time and interact with the system directly by selecting the wasted item via voice commands.

Reporting & Forecasting

Your team can track the success of their procurement strategies by comparing reports from before and after menus and procurement lists are modified with NKS.


Join us in inspiring the world to see that food is too valuable to waste and too easy to save:

1. Place the food tray under the camera just before you toss the food into the waste bin

2. Wait for the cutting-edge solution to detect movement & capture an image of the tray

3. The captured image will be passed to the machine learning models, following an iterative learning process to identify the food thrown away

4. A smart scale placed under the waste bin will calculate the weight of the food waste

5. The food waste is instantaneously registered in the system and displayed on the screen

6. NKS learns on the go, if it does not recognize the tossed food item, it will allow your staff to enter the name of the food item manually to predict it correctly in the future!


Stay up-to-date on the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence & Food Waste Management!

Neurog Kitchen Solutions

Trick-or-treat: A gloomy underpinning to spooky waste!

Neurog Kitchen Solutions

Artificial Intelligence: The Path to Sustainability!

Neurog Kitchen Solutions

Avoidable Food Waste: Reduce, Reuse and Rethink


Find answers to your questions and get ready to embrace the impact of Artificial Intelligence to combat food waste with Neurog Kitchen Solutions.

How will NKS benefit my kitchen?

Kitchens can detect and analyze food waste automatically with the help of NKS. It aids in reducing waste, lowering environmental impact, and reducing costs.

What does the NKS hardware package include?

NKS system includes a control box that records food waste and a scale that measures its weight.

The control box is made up of:

  1. An inbuilt camera to take pictures of the food waste to be processed in real-time.
  2. A front-facing camera for facial recognition.
  3. A microphone to interact with the system via voice commands.
  4. An embedded tablet configured with a desktop application where food waste is displayed and categorized.
How will the system differentiate between similar-looking food items?
When the AI algorithm cannot distinguish between two comparable foods, users can add predicted labels by providing input on the touch screen for future predictions. The system also allows kitchen staff to manually enter the food type if the system cannot identify it. Once the new food label is saved, the system will be able to correctly predict it in the future and continue to get smarter as is provided more data.
How accurate is NKS?
NKS gets smarter with every passing day, eventually surpassing human-level accuracy.


Get a personalized quote for your company and discover how NKS can help drive efficiencies in your hospitality business.


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    Office # 202, Rehman Centre, G-15 Markaz, Islamabad Capital Territory 44000

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    (051) 8912223

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