Trick-or-treat: A gloomy underpinning to spooky waste!

Sustainable production and consumption are essential since Earth’s natural resources are being overused. Both the needs of humanity and those of future generations are in danger under this condition. Implementing such solutions that take sustainability into account is therefore necessary.

One such situation occurs at the time of Halloween when pumpkin waste is huge. It’s basically the time of year that brings in ghoulish costumes, socially awkward trick-or-treat, and scary pumpkin spiced lattes.

Seems Interesting!

But the issue is where this waste comes from?

From the spooky styrofoam gravestones, to the plastic pumpkin buckets kids use to carry candy, to the polyester costumes waste is everywhere. This waste is mostly in the form of plastic that is haunting halloween. As a result, the dilemma of how to celebrate Halloween while being mindful of the environment arises.


First and foremost, avoid making any new purchases. No new Halloween-related accessories, such as plastic skulls or buckets filled with pumpkins or new costumes. Simply avoid purchasing any new, unneeded plastic!


Making the earth more sustainable while celebrating Halloween

Numerous ways are there that are Halloween friendly and make the environment more sustainable. Let’s walk through some of the interesting ways.

  1. Recycle Old Costumes or Trade With Friends: Utilize what you currently have and be inventive. Do you have a beloved antique costume? Perfect! Recycle it. Alternatively, if you wish to wear a new costume this year, take your old one and have a costume swap with your pals. You can still ask to borrow a friend’s costume if you don’t have one to trade, especially if they aren’t wearing it. Or, you might use what’s already in your wardrobe and become inventive.
  2. Go Thrifting or Shop Your Closet: But I don’t have anything to wear!” said every girl at least once in her life. Well, even the girls with “nothing to wear” can throw together an eco-friendly costume with what they have in their closet or with a quick trip to a local thrift store. Chances are they’ll have what you’re looking for. If you don’t have a thrift shop in your area, you’re not out of luck. Certain applications are there that can help you out in this regard.
  3. Think Before You Decorate: A significant amount of waste comes from decorations. If you like to decorate your yard or space, you may make a scarecrow without using plastic by stuffing an old shirt or pair of pants with fallen leaves or other yard trimmings. But if you’re truly into decorating your yard, be sure to spend money on high-quality accents that can be used year after year. Additionally, if you enjoy carving or smashing pumpkins… Keep in mind that Halloween’s needless waste doesn’t stop with plastic.
  4. Repurpose Halloween Candy: Grab some Skittles and get creative. Make tiny jars for each color you sorted. Indulge the candy in corn syrup, then watch as the colors combine to create a glossy paint. The hue and fruity aroma intensifies over time. A vibrant ornamental pattern is produced by nerds and a little water.
  5. Not every pumpkin is the same: Additionally, start a “Eat your pumpkin campaign” to increase awareness of the enormous amount of food waste that is thrown out. Get creative with your edible pumpkins by converting them into delicious recipes. 
  6. Donate to feed the animals: Consider giving your pumpkins to the neighborhood farms if the law in your nation permits you to feed animals with food waste. By giving to farms, you can make sure that all of the vegetables are utilized.