Recognizing People in Closed Spaces

This project involved writing a book on many theoretical aspects of recognizing people in closed spaces, specifically in a store/mall environment. The purpose of this research was to aid in the development of the said system. The book consisted of the following 11 chapters.

1. Detecting Customers Moving in the Store.
2. Hardware Configurations to Process Images.
3. Tracking Customers in Store.
4. Identification of Physical Characteristics.
5. Multi-Camera Object/s Localization.
6. Re-Identification of Persons.
7. Ultrasonic Sensors to Determine Height.
8. RFID Sensors for Tracking Products.
9. Sociological Aspects of Deep Monitoring.
10. Monitoring Customer Activity in Stores.
11. Research Methods for Store Modeling.

The overall theme of each chapter was to start with an introduction which set the goals for the chapter, followed by a comprehensive review of modern approaches, highlighting available papers, code, datasets, and finally concluding the chapter by comparing all the approaches using various evaluation metrics, their results on similar datasets and discussion on the pros and cons of each approach. The overall book length was 320 pages.

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